Bioresonance therapy (with BICOM)
Bioresonance therapy (with BICOM)
What is bioresonance?The bioresonance method is a physical method for diagnostics and therapy and was originally developed for space travel. It is based on the fact that people are also made up of molecules and have an individual frequency pattern. The bioresonance device is now used to compare the body's own frequency patterns with disease-causing ones. Interfering frequencies can then be eliminated again using opposing frequencies. Therapy without chemicalsChemical therapy with medications intervenes in chemical metabolic processes, namely in desired and undesirable processes, possibly resulting in undesirable side effects. Nevertheless, medicines are an important achievement for humanity, for example in the fight against serious infections and in extending life in chronic diseases and cancer. However, just as many people suffer from mood disorders that severely affect their daily life, even though no illness can be found even after thorough medical examination. In these so-called functional disorders, the flow of information between healthy organs is disrupted, for example in persistent exhaustion without an obvious trigger or in chronic pain without relief from highly potent analgesics. Acupuncture has been used for such functional complaints in Chinese medicine for thousands of years and has also been used in conventional medicine by orthopedists for back and knee pain for several years. By releasing blockages using hair-fine needles, the pain is relieved. The bioresonance method works in a similar way: the blocking frequency patterns are counteracted so that the flow of information between the organs and thus the smooth functioning of the organ system is restored. How do you proceed with bioresonance therapy?If there is damage to the organism's environment, e.g. due to malnutrition, stress, pollution or after serious operations, the body can become unbalanced. It may then no longer be able to resist the viruses, bacteria, heavy metals and environmental toxins that are always present and regeneration is difficult. The patient may feel weak, complain of joint and limb pain, skin rashes or intestinal problems. Other patients simply notice that they get a cold every few weeks, even though they exercise and eat healthily. In the detailed anamnesis and testing, I register all visible and tested disruptive factors and draw up a treatment plan, a cost plan and nutritional rules. After individual advice, I first give the patient time to experience changing their diet. If the decision is made for the therapy, the patient will sit in front of the bioresonance device once a week for approx. 30-45 minutes, depending on the plan. An exchange of experiences and adjustments to the diet take place on a regular basis. Areas of application of bioresonance therapyAllergies: The special thing about the bioresonance method is the possibility of detecting allergies and food intolerances (without the use of needles) and also treating them, so that hay fever, allergic asthma and neurodermatitis can be treated in a lasting manner. Hay fever often goes away with just 2-3 short therapy sessions, while chronic allergy-related diseases such as asthma and neurodermatitis take a little longer (5-10 therapy sessions). The rule of thumb applies: the longer the symptoms have lasted, the more disruptive factors have accumulated and the longer the therapy takes. Functional gastrointestinal disorders: Represent another main area of application for this form of therapy. Often a bacterial colonization of the intestine or a chronic food intolerance is behind the various complaints that are otherwise summarized as "irritable bowel syndrome". Chronic back pain: which does not respond to painkillers often does not originate in the spine, so an internal examination together with a change of perspective can reveal the cause and thus make therapy possible. Susceptibility to infection: always indicates a weak immune system, so a search should be made for bacterial colonization and food intolerances. Chronic fatigue syndrome: is often caused by intestinal fungal infestation after serious illnesses, dental root processes or the administration of antibiotics and require a monitored mycosis therapy. Bioresonance therapy is not a basic service offered by a statutory health insurance. Therefore, it cannot be billed through health insurance companies. |
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